With summer coming to an end and a fun and busy fall to look forward to, these weeks are flying by and Sweet Sienna is already 5 months old! It doesn't seem possible that our tiny baby girl has gotten so big and already doing so much!
Sienna Rose - 5 Months Old
Sienna is weighing in at 14 lbs 6 oz and is 25-1/2" tall. We luckily don't have a doctor's appointment this month (last month was traumatizing enough - with a blow out, a runaway toddler and a cartoonishly exhausted Mommy).
Sienna Rose in her favorite chair
Sienna loves laughing, smiling at everyone, trying to stand up while in her Bumbo (heaven help me, I'm not ready for another mobile baby yet), sitting up like a big girl, grabbing any and everything in her reach (watch out for those tablecloths), playing with her gear and penguin toys, jumping, screeching, talking and watching big sis. Her bottom teeth are about ready to break through the gums so poor little thing has the rosiest cheeks and wants to gnaw on everything. She is sitting up on her own and doesn't like to sit or lay still for long. She can almost pull herself all the way up and has excellent ab and neck control. She is a total sweetheart whose smile can light up the room when you walk in the door. She is super easy going and will let anyone hold her (for a little while at least). She has definitely found her voice and is not shy in using it - I think to compete with big sis. She loves to dance and listen to music - she's a fan of rock, country and some old school 90's jams. She's not too much of a snuggler...she would rather be up and moving but she does like to be snuggled in the wraps on Mommy, especially when her teeth are hurting. She is not really a fan of sleeping, but we do get a decent stretch at night (even when her sister doesn't). She loves to splash in the bath and can put a smile on your face just thinking about her. Love you sweet girl!
Sister has been working on those abs...she hates laying down so naturally she decided she needed to sit up by herself as quickly as she could. She was so proud of herself the first time and after a few wobbles she got it down and has been holding her own really well. She can even scoot herself forward a bit so we've always got to keep an eye on her.
We like big bows and we cannot lie
She's a natural
She loves sitting in the grass and feeling it between her toes
Mommy's big girl
Ready for her throne
If we're not sitting, we're jumping...whether in your arms (Mom's shoulders are super sore) or in her jumpers, this girl doesn't like to stay still for long. She loves jumping along with her sister and I feel like they are already competing for the highest bounce. She also started playing in her door jumper and she loves it! She feels like such a big girl...but we have to keep an eye out for big sis who feels that it should be a swing (good thing Mom's reflexes are sharp even with the lack of sleep).
Nothing better than a little jumping after a bath
Another first this month...swinging! Since she has been sitting up so well we decided to give the swings at our local park a try and well, we'll let you see for yourself her reaction...
She loved it!
We're already trying some new tricks
That smile, that giggle...there are so many things that seem to bring joy to her face but none compares to the joy that she brings us. Even when the sweet thing is teething hard and her little cheeks are all red, her smile lights up the room.
Concentrating hard to get that penguin
Such a happy thing
Do I have something on my face? Yes, sis gave her a foam block that had old fingerpaint on it
Wrapped up on Daddy
So excited to hang out with the girls
She loves her Daddy
My little assistant
Now that Sienna can sit up on her own, big sis Bailey is allowing her to play with more and more of her toys and Sienna loves it. There's already a bit of sibling rivalry starting but I like to capture the sweet moments when I can.
Legos are awesome
Bailey loves reading to her sis
Best thing ever...Play Doh!
This is the coolest
She's really letting me play!
Someone got to sit in the Barbie Jeep
Right after I said "Don't push the pedal" Sissy got her first ride and Mom's heart stopped a moment
"I didn't do anything"
Let's hear it for those....Chiefs! It's football season which means Red Fridays, tailgates and thousands of texts from the fantasy league. We kicked off the season with a win against the Patriots last Thursday and Bailey and Sienna had a lot of fun cheering on the Chiefs with Daddy! We look forward to a fun and exciting season with our little cheerleaders.
Definitely the most adorable Chiefs fan!
With our August temps feeling more fall-like, we didn't get as much pool time as we had in the past but we had to go one last time before it closed - and it was freezing! Then we hit up our favorite end of summer tradition - Too Cool for Drool! I don't know who was more excited...Tequila or Bailey! Tequila loved the extra attention and a fun splash while Bailey loved hopping in the pool and swimming with her big brother and other puppies.
Making new friends in line
The pool was a little too cold for Sienna
The whole gang came out to join the fun
The only way to get in the freezing water
A happy and tired pup
All smiles from this crew
Another sign that Fall is officially on it's way - Old Settlers! We've always made it out each year but it gets a little more fun (and expensive) with the girls. Bailey was excited to meet the ballerinas and the princesses (Moana and Belle!) and play with the bubbles! She even made a friend named Bailey too...and tried to snake one of her fries. Sienna loved looking at all the people and getting to play in the grass. We avoided the death traps on wheels (carnival rides) with a few tears but it won't be long until one of us has to sacrifice the safety of our limbs for the thrill of the rides with the girls...I'll campaign for Dad on this one.
Belle was the coolest!
Uncle Mat got the brunt of the bubble wand
Love the little photo bomber in the back
When I found out I was pregnant there were lots of things to get excited about and one of them was signing she (or he) up for soccer...especially when that little nugget used to bicycle kick my insides over and over again. Mom and Dad were both soccer fans so it's in the blood. Well the day has come and she was just as excited as we were! We of course had to get some practice in (picking out the right outfit and actually kicking the ball) so we headed up to the high school field near the house and started working on drills. She was more into twirling than dribbling, but she got the hang of it pretty quick. Then Sunday we had our first practice/game - now don't get all crazy about how she's only 2...we know...it's fun, great exercise, a great way to practice listening and following a leader (coach) and a way for her to run out as much energy as possible. Plus at this age all they do is run around playing herd-ball and doing fun games/drills. It was hilarious and adorable at the same time. She can't wait to go back this week!
Not sure why this video is sideways....sorry in advance for your neck
Sissy came out to support
Holding hands
Sienna can't wait for her turn
Watch out Carli Lloyd (This girl...I can't even)
She even got a shirt
Daddy's always by her side
Listening to coach
I can't wait to see what next week brings
August is a busy month and made even busier because Pop Pop retired and we had to celebrate...but one of our favorite days in August is Gigi's birthday! We had to make it a full day celebration starting with lunch at Grinder's. Then the girl's made a cake (with Mom's help) and we packed it up and headed to the lake to spend time with Miss Marcy and Miss Lori. Bailey and Sienna had so much fun celebrating even though we were a little wild from being overly tired (running on a few hours of sleep and no nap). It was definitely a fun time full of laughs, breakdowns (our boat and someone else's) and a sea rescue!
Happy Birthday Gigi!
More kisses
I have not idea what Bailey is doing in this pic, but the other two are cute
The mangoes are SOO Yum!
Adding sprinkles to Gigi's cake
Sienna's first boat ride
Just hanging with the ladies
Trying to get a pic
There's always one
Told you
The reality of our photo attempts...yes Bailey is pinching her sister
To the rescue! (Just after our boat was down for a bit)
Strong muscles
Love these ladies
With all this beautiful weather we have definitely made the most of our membership to Deanna Rose. We spent a beautiful evening at the Farmstead with Dad, celebrated Pop Pop's first official day of retirement and celebrated Miss Maryn's 3rd birthday. Each time we discover something new and we love playing with all the animals. Plus you never know who you're going to run into...bonus when it is the entire Wareham clan! And last weekend during Maryn's party Bailey got to ride a pony for the first time! We may have said she was older than she is but she did so good and she absolutely loved it! I see lots more pony rides in the future!
Making sure we run to see everything
Cow kisses
She loved these goats
The slide was really fast
Combo Swan Lake-Thriller dance
Doing our best Swan Lake impression by the swans
The Farmstead takes a lot out of us...thank goodness for Uncle Mat!
Happy Birthday Maryn!
They're off to see the wizard
She loves Franny
It was a little early this year, but we made it out to the American Royal BBQ with the girls and Gigi and PopPop. We loved seeing everyone and Bailey loved showing off her favorite dance moves.
Dancing with Gigi on the Speedway grass
We found shirtless boys and had to dance with them too
Our Saxowsky family came down this month to get a better glimpse of the Total Eclipse and we had so much fun catching up with Aunt Mary, Uncle David and Uncle Karl. We headed over to the WWI Museum and Bailey was enthralled. Uncle Mat wasn't able to make it so Bailey decided that Uncle Karl would take his place as best Uncle for the day!
We had to wear our fanciest dress to the museum
She really enjoyed looking at everything with Gigi
Both watching the show quietly
Showing David her favorite spot
We love Uncle Karl
She may love Karl but she still loves her Uncle Mat
Speaking of the Eclipse, we didn't take the trip up north with everyone because, well...baby and toddler (need I say more). Plus the chances of both children looking directly into the sun when they weren't supposed to was pretty high. We had a watch party indoors and I did take Bailey out to see it through our cool Eclipse glasses...she actually used them correctly and looked at it. When we were in totality it got really cloudy so we couldn't see anything but I brought both girls out to hear the crickets chirping and see the street lights come on. Bailey got pretty into it...Sienna wanted to eat the glasses. Bailey did strip off all her clothes and ran around howling inside, doing naked somersaults and yoga - so yeah, just a regular Monday.
Who needs a total eclipse when you have a full moon?
Since the weather has been so nice and Sienna is getting a little bigger, we busted out our new (to us) double stroller and started going on nature walks. Bailey loves exploring, Tequila loves getting out and Sienna enjoys the cool breeze while laughing at crazy sissy's antics. We never know what we're going to find or how long it will take, but I love every minute with the girls and Tequila.
Starting off with our sassy walk
Such a big helper
My favorite view
My three amigos
She carried this for a good 1/4 mile
On top of our nature walks we like to get out to a park at least once a day to burn off some excess energy, explore our neighborhoods, meet new friends and just enjoy the weather. We love to swing, splash in some puddles, look for painted rocks, search for fairies and run-run-run! We also hit up Ernie Miller Nature Center and were all one with nature - until we saw a snake on the trail and we high stepped on out of there. Bailey may like snakes, but Mom and Grandma can do without them!
Getting in the super clean (yuck) water with Bubba at the dog park
Huge mushrooms
We found a painted rock!
Watching a bumble bee and a butterfly
We found the biggest mud puddle
Checking out the snakes behind the glass with Uncle Mat
Sitting with the boys at Cam's birthday party
Checking out a caterpillar
Story walk at Antioch Park
We saw the biggest spider shortly after taking this pic and Bailey screamed and wanted me to do something about it...um, nope!
We love picnics in the park
Snagging a fry from someone at the park...scavenger
Playing with the big kids
Action shot
Watching the girls together is one of the greatest blessings. You can already see the bond growing and the rivalry forming but deep down there is love and friendship that I hope continues as they get older. Bailey can be really sweet to her sissy and in a drop of a hat try to pinch or pull her hair before I can get to her. But then they hug and all is forgotten...momentarily at least. Though there are times when they look at each other and they both are so happy it can't help but make me melt. I love these squirrely sisters.
This pretty much sums it up
Why are you licking her?
Dressed up like a princess for the #DreamBigPrincess campaign
This picture cracks me up...Bailey had been picking on her and then completely passed out. Sienna thought it was so funny!
Sharing toys with another little girl at the park
Just when I thought Sienna was going to sleep too...ha!
Already fighting over the mirror
This pretty much sums it up
Bailey, our budding fashionista, continues to showcase her creativity with her array of fashions. Whether its for an outing or just to wear around the house, we seem to have the perfect outfit for every occasion.
Her new spectacular spectacles a la Fancy Nancy
Why wouldn't you wear silks to Jason's Deli on a Tuesday?
When you see a horse costume for $1, you have no choice but to get it
This pretty much sums it up
We were so cute the lady gave us a free tutu...which we had to put on immediately
When you can gradually find a matching outfit treasure hunting, it's a win
I just love this dress
Taking Rio to the streets...of Target
We may be a house predominantly run by women (poor Brian) but there is one guy that has to deal with more tutus and tiaras than anyone...our Bubba Tequila. That's primarily because his bed is littered with them and he has to make room to sleep wherever he can find some quiet space. The girls absolutely adore their big brother. Bailey loves to snuggle up and give tons of hugs and kisses while Sienna is more the silent party that loves to watch and smile at him from a distance. He is so good with them, we couldn't ask for a better big brother!
Watching a movie with her pal
Tequila trying to work his best jedi mind trick on that wrap
The standoff continues
This is how many lunches go
Tequila came up and snuggled on her and she thought it was the coolest thing
It's happening
This pretty much says it all
Sharing a laugh at the park
I can't believe I got them all to look at the camera for more than one pic (which is why I'm sharing them all)
Sleep...at this point I don't remember what it feels like as neither girl likes to sleep at the same time as the other. Both of them are night owls (lucky us) and currently Bailey is singing Despacito in the bed next to me (at midnight). But there are times that we catch them in rare moments of sleep so I have to document lest I forget what it looks like.
Ha ha
This seems like a super comfy, quiet spot...good thing we sprung for the cushy carpet
Super sweet...she would only sleep holding my hand
There's always one
Daddy sleepy selfies
Yes this happened...and lasted for a sweet 10 minutes
This is my view most nights
But when Mom leaves for work...
Dad gets them both to sleep
Her favorite sleeping position
Sweet teething punkin
The magic sleepy fairy (otherwise known as Gigi)
Soaking up the sweet (and rare) snuggles
And as if there weren't enough pics, we have a few more favorites left to share...and enjoy some Thriller dances throughout (she's obsessed).
Stuffing her bra already
What happens when Daddy and Bailey go to the store
Inserting herself in another family at the donut shop
Making meatloaf with Daddy
How does one get this stain in less than a 2 min car ride?
Late nights
This just happened (timing: 12:32am)
I can't wait to see what next month's adventures will bring.
Sara, Brian, Bailey, Sienna and Tequila
And here are a few of my favorite outtakes from this morning
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