Saturday, November 28, 2015

Bailey Jayne - 7 Months Old

November is the month where being thankful is front and center in everyone's mind, though we are constantly reminded how blessed we are everyday when we look into Bailey's big blue eyes.Watching her grow these past 7 months have been a tremendous blessing and we are so thankful to have been chosen to be her parents. 

Bailey Jayne - Seven Months Old
Bailey weighs in at 17 lbs 13 oz and is 25-1/2" tall. She doesn't have to go back to the doctor until her 9 month check up which she is really excited about and gets to spend the day getting snuggles by all her Grandparents, Great Granny, Uncle Mat, her big brother Tequila and of course Mommy and Daddy!

Bailey Jayne in her favorite chair
Bailey is getting more and more active everyday and is so close to crawling forward. She is very good at sliding backwards, climbing up Mom's legs, rolling over, pulling herself up and over people and getting up on all fours. She is getting very independent and loves to play with her toys by herself (and making them "talk" to each other with her different voices), going on walks with her brother like a big girl in her stroller, playing with leaves, swimming at the Community Center, looking at all the shiny and sparkly things while we're out shopping, bouncing in her jumper, strolling around in her new walker (we're borrowing from Miss Everly!) and knocking down her stacking cups. But her favorite thing to do is crawl up in your lap, stand up on you and give you hugs and melts my heart. She is also really enjoying her first Thanksgiving weekend! 

We are almost crawling

One of our favorite things to do

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays, it is a chance for all our family to come together and spend quality time cooking, laughing, shopping and making new memories. Like most of our holidays, we like to find ways to spread out the fun and Thanksgiving is no different! We start out with Thanksgiving at the Reifschneider's on Thursday afternoon while the Schorr's make the trek from Mayfield. Depending on the weather we may journey up to the Plaza for the Plaza Lighting Ceremony or spend the evening plotting out the weekend. Friday is our time to relax, maybe do a little shopping, and get ready for our big feast with both families on Saturday. 

This year we have so much more to celebrate as Bailey turns 7 months old and we have added in Bailey's Baptism on the same day of our big family Thanksgiving feast! We'll share pics of Bailey's Baptism in the next coming days, but here are a few pics from our Thanksgiving weekend so far including a video of Bailey trying solid food for the first time:

Ready for some Thanksgiving love
Tequila's nap was rudely interrupted 

Our little turkey was so happy after her Thanksgiving nap
Happy Thanksgiving from The Schorrs
She was pretty impressed with her Daddy's turkey
 My favorite video - trying Grandpa's mashed potatoes and solid food for the first time! 
These two are so excited for Granny and Grandma & Grandpa Schorr to get here!
Let the holiday decorating begin! Since we have company staying with us over the holiday we love to get in the festive spirit and decorate the house for the holidays. Bailey loved watching the tree go up and really loved to wrap the presents with Mommy - more like ripping up the paper into little bits with her brother, who taught her well. And just like her Mommy, she has eyes for all the sparkles so we will just have to keep adding more and more shine each year! 

Watching the chaos of holiday decorating
Santa's little helper
Got the lights up
Santa Baby
Dad's Chiefs Tree
Our living room tree
Our main tree
And our newest addition - Bailey's Tree

New this past month - swimming! And boy does she love it! Besides flirting with the lifeguard, Bailey loves splashing, kicking, jumping and playing in the water. Our girl is quite the tadpole. Bailey started her swimming lessons earlier this month and before they started we wanted to test the waters (so to speak) and make sure we wouldn't have a stressed out baby for her first lesson so we wrapped her in my water sling and jumped right in. And not only did she love it, but she seemed completely in her element! We are fortunate to have a beautiful new community center with a lazy river, lap pool and a huge kid area and we try to get up there at least 3 times a week. Did I mention the lifeguard? Yes - our little Bailey is pretty taken by him and loves to show off her swimming skills whenever he walks by . She just looks up at him with her big doe eyes, gives him a huge smile and starts splashing away. And as luck would have it, he is also our swim instructor so she is in heaven. Daddy is already worried about this little habit!

Walking in the water is fun!

We love playing with the ladybugs
We love the water
These fountains are super cool
Swim lessons - our favorite lifeguard is the guy behind us

Swimming makes us sleepy

Sibling love. Bailey loves her brother so much and it is so fun watching her get so excited whenever he is near. She loves taking him on walks, talking to him, watching him play in the yard, sharing her toys with him (and vice versa) and taking care of him when he isn't feeling well. Our poor bubba broke his toenail down to the quick earlier this week and hasn't been able to put any pressure on his back leg. Luckily it isn't infected and we have antibiotics to help it heal, but it is definitely painful for him so Bailey has been taking care of him by reading to him, sharing her toys and wrapping paper and letting him know she loves him. It's really cute to see these two together and Tequila is getting used to all of the extra attention. 

Poor Tequila
Bailey reading to her big brother to help him feel better
BFFs sleeping together
On a walk with Daddy at the Waterfall Park
Just playing with some toys
He's always watching out for her
Enjoying a quiet moment after our walk
Teaching Bailey how to rip up paper...getting ready for presents!
Watching Daddy rake the leaves
Sneaking in a quick pet
So excited to sit with our brother
Sneaking a kiss
Tunnel time

We love to fly! Whether it's in the pool, outside or in the comfort of our home, Bailey loves being airborne. Daddy is the best tosser of them all and Mom likes catching some of the action shots. 

We love to fly!
So happy
One of my favorites
We love having outdoor adventures. Whether it's finding new parks to explore, going on walks with our big brother or visiting the Overland Park Arboretum, Miss Bailey loves being outside and trying new things. 

This sweet girl loves her Daddy
Laughing at Miss Callie
So happy
We love leaves
Walking with our Daddy
How big is Bailey? This big!
Too cute for words
We love watching Daddy with the leaves
Leaves are magical things!
Swinging with our favorite leaf
Smiley girl at the Arboretum
Posing fun at the OP Arboretum
Not 100% sure about this whole sliding thing
Mommy's girl
Just chilling in my swing
Photobombed by the naked lady at the Arboretum
Walks on a windy day are fun!
Bailey found her Treestar
Miss Bailey definitely has sass for days and loves to act silly and make Mommy and Daddy laugh. She is so expressive and knows how to get our attention. Here are some of our favorite faces...

You talking to me? 
Our new favorite way to get your attention

Waiting on the doctor being silly face
"I've got a silly blue hat" face
"OMG I am sitting in a high chair for the first time and it is the coolest" face
Silly girl
"I'm really in a high chair, this is awesome" face
"Just another nakey day on the floor with my Aunt Callie" face
"I may or may not have caused Mom to wash the sheets" face
"Pure innocence" face
"Look at how cute I am in this dress" face
"No, I got you!" face
Ready for the cold!
Perfecting our posture
Sweet smiles
Daddy's little doe-eyed dear

So many activities! While we are getting more and more active each day, discovering new ways to play with our toys is our main job. She loves to knock over towers of cups, chewing on everything and recently she started making different sounds for her toys so it sounds like they are talking to each other. Her little imagination is growing too and she can sit on the floor with her baskets of toys and entertain herself long enough for Mom to get some work done. Miss Independent for sure!

Mesmerized by Ariel
We love baskets of toys
We love listening to Disney on Pandora and dancing with the Princesses

Just hanging with the girls
So many activities

Maybe I dumped the basket of toys?
Drum solo
Standing up with our big girl push toy
Loving the walker we're borrowing from Everly
Trying to escape the ball pit

She loves her new phone
The showdown (cue Clint Eastwood music)
Getting up on all fours...trying to crawl so hard
This would be a good time to help me, Mom
Tunnel vision
Mom, can't you see I'm busy...get back to work
Doing our best impression of Adele...Hello?

Sleepy baby. There is still nothing sweeter than a sleepy baby. When we play, we play and we like to go hard or go home. But the harder we play, the harder we fall. Here are some of our favorite sleepy baby moments:

Daddy's girl passed out
Don't mind our sleepy hair
Too tired to move
One of our favorite snuggle spots
Praying in our sleep
Just chillaxing on Dad
So comfy
Our sleepy little inchworm
Playing in the park makes us super sleepy
Walks wear us out
Sleepy photobomb
Those lips...
Sleepy action shot
Cuddling with Mom
We jumped ourselves out
Milk drunk
Trying to pretend we aren't sleepy in Daddy's arms
We are enjoying every moment with our baby girl, going on adventures and watching her grow and imagination blossom. Every day there is something new and I love capturing our memories. Here are a few more of our favorite pics from this past month:

Bailey actually took this one (don't mind my face)
I love this baby girl
This is our ladies who lunch outfit
Having a bit of a bad hair day
One can never have too much sparkle
Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
Showing off our new sparkly shoes
Sweet girl
Such a happy girl
Ready for our first KU Basketball game
Our little sous chef didn't want to give up her green pepper
Selfie with Mommy
We love our gloves

Look who pulled herself up in her crib 
So proud of herself

Hope you and your family are enjoying this Thanksgiving weekend! It's the kickoff to the holiday season and we will share more first holiday pics as soon as we can. Blessings to you and yours!


Sara, Brian, Bailey and Tequila

Daddy makes us laugh!
That flash is bright!

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