Friday, January 12, 2018

Sienna Rose - 9 Months Old

Where does the time go? You would think being awake for 20 of the 24-hours in a day would make it seem like there is all the time in the world, but it goes by too quickly. It's the start of the new year and our sweet Sienna is 9 months old today!

Sienna Rose - 9 Months Old
Sienna weighs in at 17 lbs and measures in at 27-3/4". We have her 9-month appointment on Monday and luckily Daddy gets to join us for this adventure because it's a bank holiday! It won't be any fun getting any shots, but at least he'll be able to chase big sister around while Mommy can focus all her attention on snuggles.

Sienna Rose in her favorite chair
Sienna loves moving and grooving. Girlfriend is always on the go and now that she can walk, she can get to anything she pleases. She can also climb up on things so we have to be extra careful around the stairs or boxes or storage containers...she thinks she's such a big girl climbing up and dancing on them. She loves to carry bags all around the house, even if they are bigger than she is. She loves stacking blocks, rings and this new gear toy because they are so colorful and she can try to put them on top of each other. She loves making music, reading books (when she can sit still), playing with play dough, jumping on the trampoline, being wrapped up on Mommy, knocking over towers, playing dress up and doctor, trying to unplug cords (keeps us on our toes) and toys that you can move pieces around on. She also likes to get into anything her sister is playing with ans seeing how long she can play until big sis gets irritated enough with her to get knocked over or removed from the situation. She loves having deep conversations with Tequila and making sure to grab his full attention by holding onto his extremities so he is forced to listen. She is quite the talker too...she will make sure that you hear what she is saying even if you're in the other room. And girlfriend likes to eat - especially yogurt and if you aren't quick enough she'll let you know. She has also been known to throw a full on tantrum if she feels the need.

Sienna does not love clothes. Sure she loves the fun dresses and tutus once we get them on but if it were up to her she'd be dancing in her birthday suit no matter the weather. So you'll see her in lots of diaper covers because she knows how to take off her diaper in a flash. Plus she is like a mini furnace and doesn't wear pajamas at night because she gets too doesn't help that she does not sleep unless she is in your arms, so she doesn't like to add any extra layers. Naked or not, Sienna brings so much laughter to our family and continues to brighten our days. We love you sweet girl!

Go, go speed racer! Well we knew it was just a matter of time but this past month Miss Sienna started walking and hasn't stopped. Girl is on the go and we have really enjoyed watching how quickly she has picked it up. She's surprised a few people and is so proud of herself. Slow down sweet girl, you're growing way too fast!

With a whole month of solid food behind her back, little Miss Sienna isn't slowing down. She likes to try all sorts of new things and her new favorites include pancakes, peanut butter, green beans, peaches and mandarin oranges...oh does she ever love those oranges. I love our adventurous eater and she definitely takes after her big sis who loves to try everything.

Pancakes are super yum

How can you resist this face?

She loved the peanut butter once she figured out the texture

Mandarin oranges got us like...

Happy messy baby

We love our mesh feeder for frozen fruit...feels so good on our gums
Our sweet Sienna has so much personality and can make us laugh with just a look. She is starting to show a little sass and has been known to throw a temper tantrum or two...but how can you be upset with this cute little face?

Queen of the side eye

My Tula girl

Our little Ewok...not the biggest fan of wearing clothes

She may hate it because it's too warm but it's too cute

She loves to help out around the house

She loves stealing Bubba's bones...we have to watch her

Such a big girl


This is her "I'm about to get into something I shouldn't" face

This is my constant view

Look at those two front teeth

Milk drunk

Not digging the ponytail

Holy hair Batman

She's rocking the faux hawk

This helps

What Mom? Just hanging with my Uncle Mat

Sienna's first selfie

She is definitely up to something

Daddy's favorite pants...what up Smee? 

Action shot

She really enjoyed our game of fetch at Bailey's dance class

Sometimes Mom puts us in the bathtub so she can blow dry her hair without incident

I don't think I realized how much fun it would be to have two little girls, but as Sienna gets older the cuter they are together. Sure there is the typical sibling rivalry...the hair pulling (Sienna), the knocking down (Bailey) and the fight over our favorite toys (both guilty in their own way), but they love each other so much. Bailey loves to say how "tiny and cute" her sis is and Sienna would follow Bailey to the ends of the earth. They love to splash in the bath, play with Barbies and Legos and love to dance with each other. We can't wait to see all the shenanigans these two get into as they get older.

Bailey wanted to dress them both up in tutus

Bailey helping Sienna walk

Playing dress up is their favorite

They wanted to be a fish sandwich


Not always a fan of being held back

She's about to get me, isn't she?

When Bailey wasn't feeling well, Sienna had to get in and give her some snuggles

Typical sister...squishing her face

My little fairies

Another typical sister move...big sis is not thrilled to share her things

I love this photo
We made it to 2018 and boy, 2017 sure seemed to fly by. We rang in the New Year by trying out the new Instant Pot, snuggling in and trying to make it to midnight. To some it may have been a little boring, but it was definitely a much needed night off for all of us together.

Sorry babe, not sure why this cut you out

I love this photo of the two of them

Happy New Year

Definitely a blessed way to start the New Year

We had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed spending lots of time with our entire family. We spent the weekend making gingerbread houses with Gigi and Pop Pop, splitting a Skyscraper before heading out to watch the Christmas display at Deanna Rose, making homemade fettuccine and cookies for Santa, visiting friends and even playing in the snow. We loved making memories with the girls and starting new and tried-and-true traditions. We also wanted to make sure that the girls learn about the spirit of giving early and they loved helping make Christmas cookies and candy for our friends, co-workers and family.

Helping Mom make Christmas cookies

The Annual Gingerbread House competition

Bailey cracks us up

Introducing Bailey to the Skyscraper at Winstead's

Sienna putting in her order

She wants fries and onion rings

This is how our photos typically turn out

Holiday lights at Deanna Rose

Christmas sweaters on Christmas Eve

Making homemade pasta

Someone snuck a Santa Cookie

Christmas Eve jammies

Sienna got to open her own Christmas Eve gift

Blessed to spend Christmas Eve with these cuties

My handsome Santa

Two children not sleeping

Clearly not remembering the story we just read...not snug in their beds.

One down, this one was promoted to Elf

She didn't last too long

Pretty tree


The stockings were hung by the chimney with care

Merry Christmas from the Schorrs

Sienna and her buddy Pop Pop

Not even sure what she's excited about but she's excited

Little stinker tried sneaking into the presents early

Breakfast with Gigi

It's a Be-Bo

She really dug into the Shark book from Uncle Mat

How's that neck pillow (door stop) babe? ;)

Best gift ever Uncle Mat

Uncle Mat is the best ever

Testing out the new fish eye lense

Excited to play some Pie Face

You know you want to see this next one...

Conned Uncle Mat into playing Barbies

Back home to open the presents from Mommy, Daddy and Santa

A mermaid tail blanket! 

Christmas got us like...

The week before Christmas we packed up the girls and made the trip back to Brian's hometown for Christmas with the Schorrs. It was Sienna's first road trip and since she hates being in the car we were a little worried, then poor thing got a fever. Luckily with the fever she was so tired that she slept most of the way to St. Louis. We did a little swimming at the indoor/outdoor pool, ran around the hotel grabbed some grub and did some shopping before making the second leg of the trip. Sienna's fever was still there but again, it helped her sleep so we made it the rest of the way without much incident. It did not help while we were in Mayfield because she chose not to sleep at all the first night (thank goodness for coffee) but we did enjoy the trip on little-no sleep seeing family, friends and meeting the cousin for the first time. Bailey also slept in Aunt Erin's big girl the entire weekend by herself and got multiple visits from the pillow fairy! (And Mom and Dad's endless gratitude...too bad we couldn't enjoy her restful sleep too) We had a lot of fun spending time with everyone and enjoying the weekend. Our trip home was pretty uneventful as well and since we were already up super early (Thanks Sienna) we got on the road early and made it the entire way with only one stop. The fever was still there but as soon as we unpacked our things we realized it was due to her two front teeth popping...poor baby!

Ready to hit the road!

We love the hotel pillows

We weren't in the room for 2 min before this happened...we needed to wear off some energy

Ready for a night swim

Sweet snuggles with this girl

Checking out one of our favorite trees

Bailey taking the relaxing step a little far

When there are princess mirrors, you must twirl a boss

Busted out the twister game

Sienna wanted to join

Intrigued with what Grandpa is building

Trying on Aunt Erin's Prom Queen Crown

Everybody make a sad kitty face

A little night run to wear out some energy

We love Granny

Aunt Erin's bed for the win!

Making some fresh OJ

So excited for the Carousel and Nutcracker sets Granny passed down to us

Best Granny ever!

Making gingerbread houses with Grandma

Meeting Cal for the first time

Love you Granny

Love you Grandpa

Getting Elsa Braids from Amanda

Say cheese

Over the holidays one of my best friends came in town and we got to spend time with her and her family. We had so much fun seeing everyone and getting all the kids together, and Sienna was so excited to meet her Godmother Emilie! We wish you lived closer to us but are so glad that we got to spend time with you over the holidays! Love you Em and the rest of the Dokos family!!

Sienna and her Godmother Emilie

Bailey joined right in on the talent show

Bailey with Emilie and her neice

The winter weather has definitely hit over the past month so we are hitting up some of our favorite indoor places. Our current faves are the Museum at Prairie Fire and Kidscape but we are looking forward to more Wonderscope and Science City dates soon! I love these days with my little explorers.

Teamwork makes the dream work

Having a little tea with sis

Crushing on a boy

She loves her shells

Hanging with sweet Isla

I get by with a little help from my friends


Can't stop, won't stop
Daddy had a half day last week and since his car was in the shop we picked him up and headed out for a surprise afternoon of fun. He picked the mall and we got to take Sienna on her first carousel ride. She loved it and thought she was such a big girl! Bailey had to get all gussied up for the occasion and naturally a full length white wedding gown was the best choice.This girl is a trip.

Meet my sassy teenager Bailey...who doesn't wear this to First Watch?

Call me

What a big girl!

We got our first snow (an hopefully not our last) on Christmas Eve and we had to get the kids out and play while it was still fresh. Bailey was so pumped to make a snow angel and show Sienna how to throw a snow ball. Sienna liked it until you set her down by herself in it but once you stood her up she had a lot of fun. Of course Tequila had a ball!

Cute little snow bunny

Shoveling the neighbor's drive

Such a handsome guy

With the success of sleeping in Aunt Erin's big girl bed, we decided to keep the ball rolling and set up a big girl bed in Miss Bailey's room and lo and behold, it worked! The pillow fairy has come everyday since right before Christmas (except when B was super sick and stayed with us). We are working on updating her entire room and will post pics once the transformation is complete. She loves her big girl bed (and we love the extra room in ours)!

Showing sis her new bed

Nothing but puppy love! Oh Tequila, thank you for your endless patience for super hugs, toe nail pulling, ear pulling, dress up, bone stealing and the occasional tumble. These girls love you so much and are working on showing you love in more gentle ways. You may steal some food out of their hands and knock them down with your tail, but you are the best big brother ever! When the girls were sick you were never far from their side and checked in on them often. We love you bubs!

Telling him her life secrets

He's such a great listener

We're trying to teach hug v. headlock

Such a good sport

Checking on his sick sister

Oh sweet sleep, how it eludes us. Good thing these girls are cute, but if we are late for something (or for sending thank yous - working on it!), forget things or just wander around aimlessly like zombies just know there is at least one cute little girl behind all of it. Sweet Sienna, you are so sweet unless someone needs to put you down for sleep. She still will not sleep unless she is physically touching someone (this is a phase, right? Please tell me yes) but that being said, we do get some sweet snuggles and I will soak them up for as long as they last. Poor Miss Bailey was down with a fever for a few days so we had double the snuggles...luckily she got back on her feet quickly!

Bailey loves snapping photos while sis is asleep

The tri-fecta! If only I could get up to pee

Gigi and her sleepy dust

Why yes they both sleep better in the cold temps

Not sleepy snuggles, but the only way they would both calm down...babywearing for the win!

One down

There's always one

My nightly view

Passed out sitting up

Runs in the fam

More sleepy dust

So sweet
The holidays were definitely a whirlwind that we are still winding down from but we are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends to share them with. Here are a few more of our favorite photos from this past month.

My Christmas Card helper

So proud of herself

We love Uncle Mat

This is how many of our photos turn out

Hope you and your family are enjoying the new year!


Sara, Brian, Bailey, Sienna and Tequila

Here are a few of our favorite outtakes from this morning:

Big sis was helping this morning

It is a lot harder to take photos when you can stand on a chair

And this was something that pulled on my phone that is just too fun not to share:

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